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How do I link my PayPal account to my Dynadot account?
Aktualisiert: 2024/12/06Mal angesehen: 8260
We offer two (2) options when paying with PayPal:
PayPal One-time Payments: We'll redirect you to the PayPal site for secure login and payment, then send you back to our platform. This option is ideal for occasional transactions.
PayPal Accounts: Link your PayPal account directly to our platform and eliminate the need to visit the PayPal site each time. This option is ideal for frequent transactions.
Linking your PayPal account to our platform is easy. Please follow these steps:
Click on the "PayPal Account" option in the Payment Center.
In the right-hand corner, select the currency you wish to use in the drop-down and then click on the "Add PayPal Account" button. You'll be redirected to the PayPal site to agree to link your PayPal account to our system. After you confirm, you'll be redirected back to our platform and we'll add the PayPal account to your Dynadot account.
Once you successfully link your PayPal account, you can easily select your PayPal account as the payment option for any future orders without logging into your PayPal account. It's quite convenient!
We currently support USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD, and MXN currencies for PayPal.
Payments typically arrive instantly, but can sometimes take 1-5 business days.
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