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How do I add a backup auto-renew payment method for a group of domains?
Por favor, actualice el texto y proporcioneme el nuevo texto para poder traducirlo al español.: 2024/04/24Visto veces: 8442
Setting up your auto-renew payment method for a group of domainsis a great way to prevent your domains from expiring, but adding a backup payment method can provide even more comfort in ensuring you don't lose your domain names! If your domains are set to auto-renew and your default payment fails, we'll try processing your auto-renewals with your backup payment method.
To set up a backup auto-renew payment method for a group of domains, please follow these steps:
Click "My Domains" and then "Manage Domains" from the left-side menu bar.
Check the boxes next to the domain names for which you want to set the auto-renew payment method. To select all your domains, check the box at the top of the frame.
Click "Action" and then "Renew Options" from the drop-down.
Check the box next to "Add a backup payment method" and select your backup payment type.
Click "Save Settings" to save your changes.
Your backup payment method must use the same currency as your primary payment type.
At the moment, there are 4 payment types used for auto-renewals. You can choose account credit, credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account (assuming you already added a credit card, checking account, or linked PayPal account).
You will need to make sure your credit card is up-to-date or that you have enough account credit to cover future auto-renewal orders.
If we cannot process your payment, then your domain will not be renewed and you will receive an email from us about it.
The payment method you choose for auto-renewals is no longer the same payment method used for auto-paying expired domain auction orders.
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