
Dynadot Help

¿Necesitas soporte para tus dominios, sitios web o herramientas de Dynadot? Utiliza nuestro directorio de artículos de ayuda para encontrar los recursos que necesitas o contacta a nuestro equipo de soporte para obtener más ayuda.
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  • ChatGPT (Pregunte a la IA)

    • Does Dynadot have a ChatGPT (Ask AI) option?

      Yes, our customers can use A.I. to help them sell their domains directly into your Dynadot control panel. To find this option, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click on "My Domains" in the left side menu bar. Click on "Manage Domains". Select the domain you would like to sell (click the blue hyperlink that is the domains name). Look up in the top right coroner of the page and you will see "Ask AI". Select between the options provided. Please note: There IS a limit on ChatGPT requests. They are: regular - 20 daily requests; bulk - 50 daily requests; super bulk - 100 daily requests.

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