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  • What are TrueName domains?

    TrueName domains are domain names that provide protection against phishing and domain fraud using the Identity Digital registry's proprietary homographic blocking technology. This protection actively prevents bad actors from registering similar or look-a-like domains frequently used to deceive users online while taking advantage of your brand/domain name. This security, combined with the wide variety of unique domain extensions available through the Identity Digital registry, means you can build your brand presence or website without worry of common domain fraud or malicious phishing tactics.

    Features and Notes:

    • TrueName domain protection is applied to all Top Level domains under Identity Digital. If you already own a domain under a Identity Digital TLD, it will automatically receive TrueName protection.

    • There is no additional cost in registering TrueName domains.

    • Protection will remain for as long as the domain name is registered.

    • Protection is applied at the registry level, which will prevent look-a-like domains from being registered across the web.

    هل كان هذا المقال مفيدًا؟
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    شكرًا على ملاحظاتك. سنواصل التحسين.

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