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What information can I find using my website builder's statistics tool?
Обновлен: 2024/03/09Просмотрено раз: 8180
Our Website Builder'sstatistics tool can provide valuable insight into the performance of your website, along with your website's online store.With the statistics tool, you can view the number of total visits to your website, as well as the number of visits for each year, month, and day by specifying your desired dates. Additionally, the page stats allow you to quickly view the percentage of visits for each of your website's pages, allowing you to understand how your audience is engaging with your website.
The statistics tool also makes it easy to monitor the performance of your online store, helping you to track its total revenue, order quantity, total store visits, top-performing products, and how many orders you currently have waiting for payment. Just like the main website's statistics we provide, you have the option to view your store's statistics for a particular date range or your sales stats for a particular currency.