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Your Dynadot Push Username is used to change ownership of a domain name. Your Push Username can be freely given out, while your Dynadot Username should be kept private. To find your Push Username, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and then "Account Settings" in the drop-down. Under the "Account Info" section, you'll find your Push Username. Can I change my push username? Yes! You certainly can. Please unlock your account and make the update & save your changes.New to Dynadot?Earn account credit through our Refer-a-Friend Program. Earn $5 for every friend you refer to Dynadot. Your friends earn $5 too!Check out our sales. Find a domain name for a great price.Buy, sell, or bid in our Domain Market. Discover domain names that were listed for sale, not renewed, or about to be re-released.Create a website. Own your online presence with our easy-to-use Website Builder.Join our Affiliate Program. Spread the word about us and start earning.
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more! When you post on our forums, you are using your forum name, not your username. By default, your forum name includes your initials, city, and country. If you want to change your forum name, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and click "Account Settings" in the drop-down. Scroll down to the "Community Options" section. You can update your information in the "Forum Name" box. Please keep in mind that the Forum name must be in all lowercase letters and cannot be the same as your username. Press the "Save Options" button to save your changes. How do I create a post on your forums? How do I reply to a forum post? How come I am unable to post on your forums? Did you know you can hide your forum name? In "Community Options" (step 3), select 'hidden' under the "Display Forum Name in Marketplace" section. Save your changes.
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!To reply to a forum post, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Go to the "Support" link at the top of the page and select "Forums" from the drop-down menu. Choose the topic you wish to reply to. Click on the "Reply" button. Type your message in the "Message" section, then click on the "Post" button. When you reply to a forum post or create a post on our forums, you are posting with your forum name, not your username.NOTE: To post on our forums, you must have submitted a paid order of at least $5 within the last 365 days. Create a prepay order to fulfill this requirement. How can I format a forum post? How do I upvote a forum post? How do I change my forum name?
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!When you post on our forums, you are posting with your forum name, not your username, and you also have an profile or avatar image. To change your forum profile picture/avatar, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Drag and hover over on your profile name on the upper right corner. Click on the default image on the left (behind your forum name & PIN number), hit and get a CHOOSE AVATAR box. Click on "Upload Image" button and select one from your computer. Save your changes. How do I change my forum name? How do I see my forum profile page?
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!When you create a post or reply to a post, you can format it. To format a forum post, please follow these tags: Bold [b]This is bold. [/b] Italic [i]This is italic. [/i] Color [color=#934302]This is colored text. [/color] Link with a label [url=]Website Title[/url]
All you need to send a message to another Dynadot user is their forum name (which is not the same as their username) and a Dynadot account of your own! To send a message directly to another Dynadot user, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Drag and hover over on your username at the upper right corner of the page. Click on the "View Inbox" (an envelope icon). Click on the "Compose" icon on the top-right corner of the page. Enter the user's forum name, a subject line, and your message. Click on "Submit" button to send your message. They will be notified of your message when they sign into their account (the envelope will show the number of unread messages) as well as by email.You can see any messages or replies sent to you by once again clicking on the envelope and going to "Inbox." You can see your sent messages in "Outbox."
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!You can create a post, reply to a post, and upvote a post in our forums. To upvote a post, click on the Like icon in the top right corner of the post. An example of the icon is circled in red below:
Dynadot users can easily send messages to each other right in their accounts. All you need is the receiver's forum name (which is different than their username). To check if you have received any new messages, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. In the upper right-hand corner, hover over your profile name and select "View Inbox" from the drop-down. If you have any new and/or unread messages, you'll see them in your inbox. To view a message, click on the link in the "Subject" field. We will also notify you by email when you have received a new private message.NOTE: If you have marked this sender as 'spam', you will NOT be notified via your account or email.
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!To create a post on our forums, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Go to the "Support" link at the top of the page and select "Forums" from the drop-down menu. Choose the topic you wish to post in. Click on the "New Post" button on the upper right of the page. Enter a subject and your content, then click "Post." To post on our forums, you must have submitted a paid order within the last 365 days. Create a prepay order to fulfill this requirement.When you create a post on our forums or reply to a forum post, you are posting with your forum name, not your username. How can I format a forum post? How do I upvote a forum post? How do I change my forum name?
Check out the Dynadot Forums to ask us questions, find out information, and more!To create a post on our forums or reply to a post on our forums, you must have submitted and paid for an order with us within the 365 days. Create a prepay order to fulfill this requirement.