
Dynadot Help

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  • Which Validation Method Should I Choose For My SSL Certificate?

    Dynadot is an official reseller of Alpha SSL certificates and offers both regular and wildcard SSL to help secure your website. Before you certificate can be issued, it will need to be validated using one of the two methods below.

    1. Approver Email:
      In this method Alpha SSL will send an email to an address @YourDomain. There will be some options for you to choose from, but you may need to create this address, or at least a forward to it. This will be your best option if your domain is live with email service set up.
    2. DNS Verification:
      You can also verify ownership of your domain by adding a TXT record to it. The TXT record value will be provided to you when you order. You can do this in our system, or with your hosting provider if you are using outside name servers.

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