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  • Who is Sedo?

    Sedo is one of the largest domain marketplaces in the world, creating an online space where users can buy or sell domain names. Sedo, which stands for ‘Search Engine for Domain Offers’, has had over 19 million domains listed on their platform and over 2 million customers, providing a popular marketplace for great domain acquisition and trading opportunities. The Sedo platform also includes many other services that can assist domain portfolio owners, such as appraisals and brokerage.

    Dynadot has partnered with Sedo to make listing your Dynadot domains on their marketplace seamless through SedoMLS.

    What is SedoMLS?
    SedoMLS (Sedo Multiple Listing Service) allows users with domains residing on registrars (like Dynadot) to list their domains for sale directly from the registrar’s website on the Sedo platform. So long as you have a Dynadot and Sedo account, you can utilize SedoMLS to list your domain on Sedo to present your domains on their platform/partner sites. Visit our help file to set up SedoMLS to start listing your domain names on the Sedo platform.

    What is the commission for selling my domain through SedoMLS?
    Domain names sold through the SedoMLS network have a 20% commission.

    For more information on Sedo, please visit: https://sedo.com/.

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