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  • How do I participate in expired closeouts?

    Our Expired Closeouts are a great way to pick up domains that are about to expire. There are a few requirements to participate:

    • You must have a Dynadot Account (creating one is free).
    • You must not be banned from our auctions.
    • You must have $5 in account balance, or have completed a successful order payment of at least $5 with us within the last 365 days. If you are new to Dynadot or do not have a recent order history, the easiest way for you to fulfill this requirement is by creating a prepay order. Please note that the amount of the prepay will default to $100.00, but you can adjust this manually.

    NOTE: In rare cases, a domain purchased during closeout will not be added. This could be for two different reasons:

    • The original registrant renewed the domain before your payment is received.
    • The payment method declined.

    What is a closeout?
    Do closeout domain fees include renewal?

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