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Still "waiting for payment" after many minutes.
I'm still seeing the status as "Waiting for Payment" on a...
Hello I paid for a domain name with my debit card and it ...
Does DynaDot keep CC, PayPal, or bank numbers on customers?
I guess the title says it all. After a credit card/Pay P...
Dynadot slackness on protecting CC info
In my recent purchase from DynaDot I was very shocked to ...
Please do try again to connect to my credit card (i think...
I need to use your script for Moneybookers
Hi! I'm using DynaDot (Really great service) using Money...
We were wondering if anyone wanted any other payment meth...
Personal/Business Checks Now Accepted
We will now accept personal checks or business checks for...
Can i pay using other person's paypal account ?
Hello, i don't have paypal support in my country and some...
Processing a "Waiting for Payment" order
I was registering a new domain name few days ago using my...