
Dynadot Help

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  • How do I set up email forwarding if I’m using DNS?

    Every domain registered at Dynadot comes with free email forwarding as well as free domain parking, DNS settings, domain forwarding, ownership changes, and our free website builder! Email forwarding allows you to receive email to an address on your domain name, for example, [email protected]. The email is forwarded to an existing email, such as your Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or other email.

    To set up email forwarding for your domain whilst using our DNS, please follow these steps:

    1. Log into your Dynadot account.
    2. Check the box next to your domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button.
    3. Choose "DNS Settings" from the "Action" list.
    4. On the DNS Settings page, select "Dynadot DNS" from the drop-down menu.
    5. Under the "Domain Record" section, select "Email Forward" from the "Record Type" drop-down.
    6. Enter the email address you want for your domain email in the "Alias" box (you do not need to enter the full email address such as [email protected], only the "email" part should be entered from this example).
    7. Enter an existing email address that you want your email forwarded to in the "Email" box.
    8. Press the "Save Settings" button to save your changes.

    NOTE: You can specify up to 50 different email addresses to have forwarded in the DNS Setting page. If you want to have catch-all email forwarding, enter a * as the alias. There are also some additional limits to our email forwarding.

    Want to get email for your domain without any limits that don't have to be forwarded? Check out our Email Hosting.

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