Cambios realizados

Actualizaciones y nuevas funciones para los productos y servicios de Dynadot.

Noviembre 2023
CP de usuario
Security PIN Update
Our 'Birthday' account lock system has been replaced by a 4-digit security PIN used to unlock your account. By default, your security PIN will match your previously set birthday in the following format: month/day (MMDD).

Marzo 2023
CP de usuario
Ask AI Control Panel Tool Launched
Released our new Ask AI tool, which can be used to gain marketing insights for domains under your Dynadot account.

Noviembre 2022
CP de usuario
New Credit Card Management System
In our user control panel under 'Payments' -> 'Credit Cards', a new credit card management system has been added. You can click the 'Manage Use' button beside credit cards listed on this page to make quick adjustments to Dynadot payments attached to that credit card.
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