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Get Professional with .PW!

Paige Omandam
Jun 12, 2018
Before the internet, hiring managers only knew the information on your resume. Now, a quick google search of your name can make or break your future career. That's why having a professional online presence is extremely important. Luckily, you have control of what they will see. Here are some tips to ensure that employers only see the best of you on the web.

1. Register your name as a domain.

Having your name registered as a domain shows that you are professional and tech-savvy. You want to choose a domain extension that shows that you mean business, which is why .PW is an excellent choice. .PW stands for "professional website". With a .PW domain, you can show employers that you are serious about your career. .PW is versatile and you can use it for any industry, whether it be tech, business, hospitality, finance— you name it! If your name is taken, here are some different versions you can try:

  • The"JohnSmith".PW

  • Iam"JohnSmith".PW

  • Hire"JohnSmith".PW

2. Build a professional website.

Under your .PW domain, you can build a professional website. It can show your skills and qualifications, resume, and more! A professional website gives you a chance to show employers what you can't fit onto a resume. If you registered your name with Dynadot, you've already got this step covered! Each domain comes with a free one-page website, so you're all set to create. For an example of a professional website made with our website builder, check out our one-page website blog post.

3. Refine your LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn is a great platform to expand your network and connect with recruiters. Keep your experience updated and don't be afraid to interact with others within your industry. You never know if a recruiter might stumble upon your profile and like what they see! This platform is a must for professionals in any industry.

4. Clean up your social media accounts.

Those pictures of you passed out at a college party might have been funny to post on Facebook 5 years ago, but they could cost you a job. Take some time to comb through your social media accounts to delete any photos or posts that you don't want a hiring manager to see. Either keep your social profiles private or make sure the content is all appropriate.

Knowing that your online presence is spotless will help you feel at ease when applying for jobs. You can be confident that potential employers will only see the best of you on the web. Take the first step and create your professional website with .PW for only $1.99!

Written by Paige Omandam

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