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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
I have 2 domain names I want to sell
1/3/2007 20:00
I have the domain names and May I offer them for sale here?
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7/26/2007 07:54
thank you for listing this it for u.s.a. domain listing? I am interested in listing my domain names at auctions. I am looking for a auction that is simple, accept paypal and auctions less than a month. My domain names are priced low for good resale profit value. They range in price from $25.00 dollars to $100.00 dollars. I will check out your auction site.I own .com's .net's .biz's and .info's.
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7/26/2007 14:47
Our Marketplace is currently only for domains registered through Dynadot.  Any domains registered at other registrars cannot be listed here.  There is no time limit set for any of the listings.
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