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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Dynadot New website design
12/3/2009 23:24
Hey! guyz today opened dynadot website and saw they have changed their site look.

i think it's good change, what you guyz think about it?
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12/5/2009 19:00
Yes I was surprised at first.

While I am happy to stay with the old design on the basis that if it aint broke then why fix it.

However, I am happy with either one.
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12/5/2009 19:32
New design is awesome, don't bother changing it, people will get used to it.
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12/5/2009 19:41
I like the new design, brings Dynadot up to date if you ask me.
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12/6/2009 17:04
The new design looks more serious and corporate.

This should attract even more users, who will hopefully subsidize  a) cool new features,  b) lower prices,  or  c) both.

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12/11/2009 09:09
and now i am familiar with this design.... even i don't remember the old site look now ... hmmmm.....
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12/11/2009 12:31
One cannot say any site is "all bad" or "all good".

The "Old Design" for me was always one of an exercise in utilitarian simplicity -- obviously no graphics and intentionally had little design specifically to keep things fast and load-balanced. I never cared one way or the other; with 200+ domains pointing to many areas and otherwise all I want is something which works. Dynadot's features for the price is well worth it, compared to many other registrars.

The "New Design" is quietly awesome, in most aspects, but not all. It uses modern design features of white space better than I have seen in many expensive websites. The whole point in design is to bring about a sense of worth in what we are looking at, stirring our minds to different forms of action and clarity of what the website's message is.

On the not-so-great side for example, for me, the Light Black on Grey of the "Please use caution when posting" box above my post feedback entry forces me to "think too much" about what is being said, so I have to slow down to read and understand it. Strange, but not good for me. So I would tend to not read the [contents of the] box at all.

I do, however, appreciate the large-sized fonts, thank you.

I am still looking at the same pretty woman on the homepage when I log in, so things haven't changed that much :-)


[This post has been edited by b_godzilla_us on Dec 11, 2009 12:36pm.]
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12/19/2009 06:12
The only thing that was a tad lazy was chucking the menu links inside table cells instead of styling the actual anchors to be that entire block. It would have made clicking a little more fluid, but it's only a minor thing.
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1/5/2010 00:23
This one is obviously better. The old one looked like it was made in the 90:s so I vote for this one.
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