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Why .ME is the perfect domain for your personal blog.

Written by Samantha Escobar
Sep 7, 2018
If you're looking into creating a personal website, creativity is always vital. The first step in creating your blog is finding the perfect name for it. In honor of our .ME promotion this month we want to highlight how this domain is excellent for creating a personal website.

Personal blogs or websites are a perfect way to showcase your personality and interest. It is essential that you show your creative side and be able to find a name for your website that will be easy for your audience to see. One of the most helpful tips for personal blogging is keeping it simple and straightforward.

Some small tips for making your blog:

  • Finding a great domain name using .ME, some examples are ( stuffabout.ME, *yourname*.ME,

  • Creative Blog Content. It can be difficult trying to decide what to write about in your blog. However, with personal blogs, it's easier because you get to talk about your interest and showcase your personality. It's always good to brainstorm before and come up with ideas. Some great blogs that are popular now are music blogs, photography, and lifestyle/fashion blogs.

  • Responding to your audience. It's always important to create a platform where your audience can respond and interact with you.

  • personalblog

    Creating your website may come with a few challenges along the way, it can be tricky getting started. When you are done picking the perfect name for your site the .ME domain make sure to start posting content that caters to your audience. Most personal blogs today showcase music, art, lifestyle, fashion, etc. It's always great to have space where you can let your creative side show. Let .ME help you get started.

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