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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Strong NEEDED API ---Get Account Balance
9/26/2011 18:25
We hope api can offer getbalance api. So we can easy get account balance. if balance not enough, we can add prepay.

do you think so?
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9/28/2011 15:28
Good idea.  I'll add that to our feature request for you.
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12/27/2011 06:27
we're very need this features.

can u add it more faster?

it's very usefull for remind when balance is not enough.
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12/29/2011 11:28
"can u add it more faster?"

Our Engineers are backed up with projects they are trying to complete.  It is on our request list, so we will try to add it as soon as possible.
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12/30/2011 18:14
It's a cool idea.
It's cool things if it can be use latest.
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1/4/2012 13:44
Since we finished up our infrastructure upgrades before year's end,  we'll be able to focus on all your feature requests this year.  You should see a lot of improvements in the coming months.  Stay tuned.
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