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Push an expired domain to another Dyandot account?
10/5/2015 02:23

Is it possible to push domain to another Dynadot account if the domain is in renewal grace period*?

*(30 days grace period before auction starts)
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10/7/2015 13:24
No, expired domains can't be pushed between accounts.
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10/24/2015 08:21
Why doesn't Dynadot allow pushing expired domains that haven't reached the redemption period? Most registrars, including Godaddy, allow expired domains to be pushed between customer accounts for up to 10-18 days after expiry. This arrangement benefits Dynadot at the expense of the customer - unless dynadot_staff issued a hasty reply above, this is not standard registrar practice.
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10/24/2015 12:18
Each Registrar has their own rules and regulations. Expired domains cannot be pushed between accounts.
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7/13/2022 16:00
Dynadot so stupid. Very rigid rules and many of people here look like cannot think thing in a different way. narrow minded and super little world. feel frustrate to deal with these species
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