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Domain verification by Google
1/31/2023 23:52
Hi there, I have no knowledge or better still little knowledge about pointing domain to hosting.
I have a website with google site and I'm required to use CNAME record to verify my domain, I have pasted both CNAME records in my domain settings but it is still not verified by google. Please can I get help from someone here?
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3/28/2023 08:49

Thank you for your patience, we can see that you have since managed to setup your CNAME record correctly and it looks like you were able to verify your domain name. Please note, it can also sometimes take up to 48 hours for changes to your DNS to fully propagate worldwide.

If we can assist you with any other problems feel free to contact us via chat or by emailing us at [email protected].

Best regards,
Dynadot Support Team
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