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Does DynaDot keep CC, PayPal, or bank numbers on customers?
10/12/2006 13:09
I guess the title says it all.

After a credit card/Pay Pal/check transaction has gone through, does DynaDot keep any of the confidential and personal numbers that could allow someone access to customer monies?

With the Government, insurance companies, hospitals and banks all having problems with customer data leaking, it would be comforting to be assured that DynaDot isn't keeping keeping credit card, Pay Pal, or check data around after payment's been received.

Given the passwords, secret question, and customer phone numbers I can't think of any good reason why DynaDot would want to to keep the financial access numbers (if it ain't there it simply can't go astray), but I just wanted to be sure.


Pat Ampulla
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11/3/2006 16:00
Thank you very much for your kind words.  It really means a lot to us.  Should you have any questions or concerns about our services, please feel free to contact us.
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11/5/2006 21:26
I see no problem leaving a credit card on files, since most credit card are offering a 50$ liability maximum, I do A LOT of on-line transaction, I went into problem a few time (3) and my credit card ALWAY resolved and reversed the charges promptly.

I will gladly give out my credit card number, I however will give you HARD TIME to get a check from me... and I use my credit card over debit for the same reason.

It is funny to see people worried of their on-line security and use service like the speedpass and such that broadcast the number over an un-encrypted link.

Back to dynadot, by judging the quality of their site I trust they are quite secure, if not I'll fix this with visa..

my 2 cents..
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