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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
1/16/2007 17:18
Are there any plans to implement subdomains, that is
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Posted By raph
1/16/2007 20:35
You can set up subdomains by yourself - Use Dynadot DNS, and each A record you create is a subdomain.
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Posted By hekler
1/16/2007 22:50
I've never seen their hosting but he might talking about within the hosting package. I don't know.

On another note - what is this fascination with sub domains with most of these people. I've been in the IT inductry for nearly 30 years and people seem to think there is a great mystique about sub domains these days.

In fact the original basis was not a sub domain but a sub host. That is that originally and and where all separate machines. Now everyone wants the "mystique" of them cause they're "cool". Yet if one thinks about it they are
1. A pain to manage on shared units if you are not careful
2. Add cost as in security certificates.
3. And how many times have I seen security issues because of pointless or forgotten sub domains.

Why don't people just learn to manage their current space so much better.

Oh well that's the way things are these days I guess ( The "I need that GPS even though I travel 5 miles to work each day and that's all I do" is just getting to be a joke)

Oh - I've had a hard day
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Posted By raph
1/18/2007 21:12
Yes, I've noticed there are more and more subdomains appearing as the main site address (where redirects straight to
Quite a few customers ask me for them, and I always try and steer them clear of them unless they really are needed. I personally only use them where they point to different physical pieces of equipment (ie I have a domain I use purely for remotely accessing my home network when I'm away on business - there are subdomains for different servers and switches.
I think the biggest problem with subdomains would be the extra security certificates.
And don't get me started on the whole GPS thing... What's wrong with a good old map?
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1/19/2007 11:08
Currently there is no way to create subdomains with our web hosting plans.  As mentioned by others, you can set up subdomains using our Dynadot DNS, however, this usually means that your webhosting plan is with a different company.
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2/24/2008 11:54
Another thing to consider ... search engines (i.e. Google, etc.) aren't crazy about sub domains. While Google doesn't disparage them, they make it clear that there is no advantage to using them.

Better to have a simple and well designed site with seperate folders for subdivisions.
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7/28/2009 07:57
Can I use a subdomain like as main address for webhosting account?
This should not be a problem, I will set up A or CNAME record on the external DNS server. Just need to add a correct entry in the local webserver config. Can you do this for me by request?

Thank you.
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7/29/2009 15:34
Sorry, our hosting only hosts the main domain and www subdomain.
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10/26/2009 16:39
can you like just enter in the subdomain name you want and the link you want to redirect it to?
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