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Hosting Elsewhere Delayed - Ok
Posted By dduser
4/26/2010 12:14
Today april 26, i was trying to host two domains using Just Host, one registered in Yahoo and the other in Dynadot, only my yahoo domain is working and in only 1 minute of propagation, but my dynadot one appears as inexistent. Last year i hosted one dynadot domain successfully and in less than 10 minutes. So I want to know if there is a problem with Dynadot DNS Propagation for Hosting Elsewhere. It's not an issue of my Host (Just Host) nor Yahoo. My dynadot service is fine! only need to solve this issue.

Solved, DNSs were just propagated (in 2 hours), thank you.

[This post has been edited by dduser on Apr 26, 2010 1:27pm.]
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