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pre-filled boxes on sign in
12/12/2019 01:44
Please change the pre-filled boxes on email sign-in to have "ghost" text the vanishes when you start to type the real username/password, not  real text you have to delete before you enter your credentials (tried Chrome, FF, IE, Edge). Its web form design 101 !
I've just spotted that its correct on the main dynadot sign in page, its just the mydomain/mail/signin.html  thats messed up. (needs placeholder="password" in the html, not value="password") . Same change needed for username
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3/21/2020 01:51
Thank you very much for the feedback. I am showing the web builder mail page now has the “Ghost” text for the login and password. If you are not seeing this please contact our Dynadot support at [email protected] and we will look into this for you.
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