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Parked page
Posted By c-web
10/28/2006 07:27
I really like the look of the parking page, the images are smooth, and it looks really "web 2.0"-ish. But, I have a suggestion for it.... if you guys made it fixed width, and centered, it would be 900% better looking.
Oh, and also, do you plan on using that layout on your main site? This look is kinda, well, "blah"...
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10/28/2006 13:14
Thank you for your feedback. I will forward it to our web designer. Fixed width would make the park page look more consistent. Otherwise sometimes it looks funny if the browser window is too wide.

We are experimenting with some new skins for our main website. Maybe we will put several up, and let everyone vote on their favorite.

[This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Oct 28, 2006 14:07.]
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