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  • Who is Afternic?

    Afternic is the one of the world's largest domain marketplace, providing domain owners a global distribution platform to buy, park, and sell domain names. Afternic's marketplace reaches over 75 million searches by prospective buyers each month. Afternic's domain services team has 100+ years collective industry experience and delivers industry-high average domain sale prices for sellers, and offers the lowest commission in the industry. Their monetization platforms enable sellers to earn revenue while their domains are listed for sale.

    Dynadot has chosen to partner with Afternic to provide you with a larger platform.

    What is Afternic's List for Sale (LFS)?

    List for Sale (LFS) is a way to put your domains to work and earn some money along the way. If you have domains in your account you aren't actively using, or don't plan to use at all, you can list them for sale. Afternic's List for Sale service puts your domain listing on Afternic and its partner sites for sale.

    What are all the commission/fees that I need to pay for selling my Domain?

    Afternic Commission Structure:
    Standard commission of 25% ($15 minimum) on sales.

    Note: This is not the same as"How do I set up Afternic?". LFS is done through Afternic and that is where they will be prompted to enter their payee info and find relevant information regarding their domain sale.

    For more information, please visit https://afternic.com/.

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