
Dynadot Help

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  • What are the Advanced Options for domain forwarding?

    Enable Domain Variable

    Domain Variable $domain$ can serve as a placeholder and allow you to replace the captured domain in the domain forwarding.

    For example, to redirect your domain dynadot.com to its corresponding Google search page, you may set up domain forwarding to URL https://www.google.com/search?q=dynadot.com.

    With domain variable, you can use $domain$ to replace the domain dynadot.com in the target URL https://www.google.com/search?q=dynadot.com. This feature allows you to bulk set up domain forwarding and redirect all selected domains to their respective Google search pages by setting up domain forwarding to URL https://www.google.com/search?q=$domain$

    Enable Wildcard Forwarding

    By using wildcard forwarding, you can handle multiple levels of pages or directories dynamically and forward them to the corresponding pages on the target website.

    For example: set A.com to be forwarded to http://B.com/cp/ca/cb/cc/

    When visiting http://A.com/log.html, you will be redirected to http://B.com/cp/ca/cb/cc/log.html. Similarly, when visiting http://A.com/out.html, you will be forwarded to http://B.com/cp/ca/cb/cc/out.html.

    Note: The forwarded webpage should always end with / if the wildcard forwarding is enabled (i.e. http://anotherdomain.com/mypath/).

    Wildcard Forwarding is different from wildcard subdomain forwarding. With wildcard subdomain forwarding, you use * as the subdomain, and set domain forwarding so all your subdomains will be redirected to the same URL.

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