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How do I update my email alerts for domain names that are expiring?
Mis à Jour: 2024/03/01Vu fois: 7861
When domain names are close to their expiration date, we send out email reminders for each domain name in your account. If you prefer not to receive expiration reminders for each individual domain, you can update your settings to combine all upcoming and/or expired domain notifications into one email. To update your settings, please follow these steps:
Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and click "Notifications" in the drop-down.
Scroll down to the "Expiration Emails" secton and select the "Expiration Digest" option.
Click on the "Save" button at the top of the page to save your changes.
If you want to revert back to receiving individual emails in the future, you can go back to this section and update your settings to "Individual Emails".
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