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Premium HAMBY TLDs Release

Charline Hoang
Jun 29, 2021

Have you recently found a reason to create a new website for yourself or for business? A great idea is also followed by a desirable domain name. The web is filled with many websites and there are currently over 1.86 billion websites! One way to brainstorm and check out an available domain for you is using the WHOIS lookup. However, when looking you notice a range in prices of different domain names. We will be going over why some domains are extremely pricey than others. 


What is a premium domain?

You may be asking yourself why some domains are $3.99 and some are $3,000+, this is due to the premium domain estimated value. Premium domains are domains that are already owned by an individual or a registry, which are outstandingly priced higher than a standard domain. So what adds value to them?


  • Unique and memorable marketable branding

  • Better SEO rankings

  • Credible 

  • Shorter domain names


There are pros and cons when choosing a premium domain, but it is an investment that is worth giving your business an advantage over your competitors. 


Premium HAMBY TLDs Release!

Luckily for you, on June 14th, .XYZ released some premium domain names BUT now offering them at a standard domain price point! Here is a snippet of premium domain names for the following TLDs:



  • European.Homes

  • TorontoNew.Homes

  • AustinRental.Homes



  • Motor.Autos

  • Electrico.Autos

  • SelfDriving.Autos



  • GrandPrix.Motorcycles

  • Warrior.Motorcycles

  • Cheapest.Motorcycles



  • Californian.Boats

  • Ferry.Boats

  • Away.Boats



  • Vacations.Yachts

  • Mediterranean.Yachts

  • PartyRental.Yachts


Get your search on for this one-of-a-kind deal on our domain name search page!

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