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earth day

How you can celebrate Earth Day this year.

Samantha Escobar
Apr 22, 2019
Today on April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated in April. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day now includes events in more than 193 countries, which are coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network.

The purpose of celebrating Earth Day is to promote understanding of important environmental issues. This will make more individuals more aware of the steps we need to take to protect our planet. Another big reason why we celebrate Earth Day is to also educate individuals on the actions we take to have a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
We are now living in a world where technology is, and we can use paperless. Below are a few ways to be more eco-friendly!

Turn Your Computer Off

Turning your computer off overnight will help you reduce the power you use. It will also save you some amount of money a year. A big plus is that it will keep your computer battery healthy!

Turn in your Old Cellphone

You can turn in your old cellphone into a recycling program to make sure it keeps out of a landfill or prevent toxic battery leaks.

Use Energy Efficient Lightbulbs

Energy efficient lightbulbs are a simple way to reduce the amount of power you use. Not only will this help the planet, but it can also help you save many as well. By replacing just one lightbulb, the effect can be immense.

Don't Waste Paper

Did you know that American business waste 21 million tonnes of paper per each year? If you jot a note down on paper, save it and use the rest of the sheet for your notes. If you have your own business, try to make it as paperless as possible. Also never forget to recycle

Pay Bills Online

Paying online is not only quick and convenient but receiving your statements online can have a huge impact on the environment. If every US household received electronic statements, then we could save 18.5 million trees, 2.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases 1.7 billion pounds of solid waste per year! That is such a huge difference! Contact your bank now to see how you can receive electronic bank statements and pay your bills through smartphone or computer for the future.

Download Software

Downloading Software can make a difference in our environment. The big reason why this is recommended is that downloading software, reduces wasted packaging materials, and it can be beneficial when the software is upgraded, and the downloaded version is also automatically included in the updates. No need to make a trip to the store!

Share your knowledge on the Environment

Many reasons why people don't know how even to begin being more eco-friendly is because they are not aware of what products and actions are risks to our environment. That is why it is important for individuals who are more aware of the environment to educate us on the importance of being more eco-conscious. A great way to do that is to start a blog or website to educate others on what we can do to help our planet. Some great websites to check out now are
If you want to create a website to help others get educated on ways to help our planet you can start now by picking out a domain for your website!
Some great domains for an environmental website or blog are:There are many ways on how to contribute to making our Earth healthier and greener for future generations! Happy Earth Day

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