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Small Business Marketing Ideas for the Holiday Season - Bow

Merry Marketing! 10 Small Business Marketing Ideas for the Holiday Season

Samantha Banks
Dec 20, 2014 • 5 min read

It's the holiday season, which means plenty of people will be home for food, friends, and family. But how should your business connect with all the extra celebration during the holiday season? I've compiled a list of helpful marketing ideas for small businesses - from coupons to charities, there's plenty of ways you can connect with your customers during this season! Learn how you can boost your business with these promotions, and take your holiday game to the next level!



❅ ¡Fiesta!

Invite partners and important affiliates to a holiday social - a great gathering will warm up your affiliates and partners, and business may have some extra perks after a great party! Give a great night and maybe you'll receive a great gift in return!





❅ Everyone loves brunch!

Be original (and save) by holding a holiday brunch or luncheon instead of a full-scale evening party - you'll stand out amongst other dinner parties, and you'll reap the same rewards! Besides, bacon will get them every time!





❅ Sharing is caring!

Put coupons for business partners or nearby affiliates in your customers' hands, and ask them to do the same for you - you'll help out your partner and help yourself, all at the same time! Plus, you may find you bring in customers you didn't have before, and may do the same for your partners!





❅ Snail Mail!

Send real holiday cards, not e-cards - although e-cards are so much cheaper, easier, and efficient, the effort you put into your snail mail delivery really means a lot. If your card (or gift) is a good one, maybe it will get hung up on a fridge, and that's always a good reminder to keep coming back to your business!





❅ Merry New Years!

Don't just send Christmas/Hanukkah cards, send New Year’s cards - although Christmas and Hanukkah are the front runners during the holiday season, New Years is a great holiday to celebrate, and escapes the need to be cautious with holiday salutations, as it is celebrated everywhere!





❅ Free stuff!

Give away gifts to your best customers - offering stocking stuffer like items makes customers more likely to buy so they can get the extra bonus!





❅ Plastic!

Offer gift cards if you don't during the rest of the year, and promote them if you do offer them year-round - there's always that one person you don't know what to get, and with a gift card you give customers the perfect gift for the picky person!





❅ A helping hand!

Find a charity to participate in, and get customers involved too - offer gift cards, coupons, or discounts for customers who volunteer a certain amount of time or money to the charity. Help them, and the community!





❅ Save the date!

Give out the calendar you never knew you needed - a personalized, company calendar for the new year is the perfect gift this time of year, and will have customers and partners thinking about you for the entire next year! Included monthly coupons will ensure they keep it!





❅ Bravo!

Celebrate the success you've had - send out a newsletter with your most important (and customer-relevant) accomplishments from the last year - this will remind them your business is always improving, and may teach them something they didn't know, something that brings them back for more!

Post by Samantha Banks





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