जनेरिक डोमेन नाम
Generic domain names are domains that target a product or service description. These can be relatively safe names to invest into as they typically fit naturally within certain industries which can make them desirable to anyone in that industry. These types of domain names are common targets for investors parking domains with advertisements for type-in traffic.
Examples: hairbeauty, speakers, yogamats, cellphones
शॉर्ट डोमेन नाम
One word or even two to four character domain names will almost always have demand and increased domain value under certain TLDs - and with good reason. Short domains are memorable, which makes marketing easier and is why they are in demand by brands. They are also limited in quantity as there are only so many two and three letter combinations available. This is why they are highly coveted in certain domain extensions such as .COM. Always keep domain length in mind when evaluating a domain's worth. Even new TLDs commonly see fast registrations of one or two character domains by investors.
Examples: tech, ez, rocket, elect, tactic, aa, abc
भूगोलिक डोमेन नाम
Targeting locations to incorporate into your domain names can be a solid game plan to consider for your portfolio, especially in conjunction with generic names. Local markets may eventually want to obtain ownership of a name that fits in their geographical space where users may already be searching. Try to think of the various levels of zones that can be included, such as towns, cities, regions, states or provinces, and countries. Each of these can be applicable and have valuable domains associated with them if the correct keyword combination is chosen. Knowing the search volume on search engines for these keywords can be valuable to assist with selling propositions.
Examples: lafoodtrucks, canadashipping, detriotpaving, usafireworks
प्रासंगिक डोमेन नाम
Relevant domain names focus on keywords or wording that could be popular (or relevant) in the near future. These domains are often tied to culturally significant keywords. They could target a keyword that garners much attention in a short period of time or one that suddenly has lasting power due to media attention. For example, this could be a new trend that is starting to emerge or a future popular event.
Examples: marketingautomation, airobotics, olympics2030, esports
न्यूमेरिक डोमेन नाम
Domains composed of only numbers can have inherent value and unique meaning. Individual numbers and combinations of numbers have significance in cultures such as China. For example, '8' is considered a lucky number while '4' means death in many parts of Asia. Combinations of numbers take on varied meanings which can have a large impact on the value of a numeric domain name. If you're interested in acquiring numeric domain names, make sure to research the numeric meanings in various cultures to have a better understanding of which domains may hold value.
यादगार डोमेन नाम
Domains that are naturally easier to remember will have added value and is one of the primary reasons that short domains are reliable investment targets. The 'radio test' reference can be used: if the domain name is said aloud, people should be able to both understand the domain and be able to spell it. A memorable domain is valuable for end-users who may want to use the domain for their business or marketing objectives.
Examples: Yahoo, Bestbuy, WordPress, Amazon
खोज ट्रैफ़िक (कीवर्ड) वाले डोमेन नाम
If you're looking at domains that are expiring instead of registering brand new domains, it is worth investigating that domain's search traffic. Despite the domain potentially having an unmemorable, lengthy keyword, the domain's traffic could indicate domain authority (which will be attractive to SEO marketers). It could be in an ideal position for the value increase strategy utilizing content creation.
डोमेन नाम इतिहास और आयु
It's always worth using a tool such as '
wayback machine' to dig into a domain you're considering purchasing. Depending on the historical content, it may have a positive or negative effect on the value of a domain. If a domain had controversial content in the past, it may deter future buyers. If the domain had a content-dense WordPress blog about a popular subject, it would be a more attractive domain to certain buyers.
A domain's age is occasionally a relevant property that increases a domain's value as it can indicate domain authority built up over time (if the site was previously used for content) and/or indicate that the domain was unavailable for many years, which may be attractive to some buyers.
वर्णन, पात्र और शब्दों की स्पष्टता
There can be multiple ways to type one domain name. Unfortunately, many of the alternative ways are usually a devalued version of the original, properly spelled domain. Using a domain name that has alternative spelling, special characters, pluralized vs. singular and numbers will alter the allure of the domain. They can still be valuable in certain contexts but often will be unintuitive for users to remember.
Examples: one4all, carzforsale, domain-investing, trailerspark, 4getful
शीर्ष-स्तर डोमेन (टीएलडीएस)
There are over two thousand TLDs that all serve various purposes and hold different power from an investing standpoint. While a select few can skyrocket a domain's value (such as .COM), there are many TLDs which are not as popular among investors. With that said, as popular TLDs get more saturated, businesses and individuals will have no option but to expand into alternative domain extensions to get their desired domain name. This is already happening in certain industries with extensions like .IO and .XYZ. As an investor, this is an exciting avenue to travel down as, eventually, foresight and initiative may be rewarded.
There aren't any guidelines on which domain extensions you should avoid - some domain investors swear by sticking with what's popular and others are more willing to invest in new TLDs that offer plenty of hand registration opportunities (which is to manually register a domain not currently owned or from a domain aftermarket). Some TLDs are lower-priced than others, which can also be exciting for investors looking to
bulk-register domains in hope of having one or two domains in a batch become worth exponentially more down the road.
As with all other criteria listed here, it's best to monitor other domain sales and do thorough research to properly evaluate the success of a domain extension.
डोमेन नाम हैक्स
Certain TLDs can be used to expand on a domain name which, when combined, creates a complete word or phrase. These are referred to as domain hacks, and they are a creative way to incorporate a domain extension into a domain name. Domain hacks have become popular over the years, especially as a variety of new TLDs have become more commonplace. This has increased the demand for these types of domain names and, as a result, has increased the value of domain hacks in domain aftermarkets. When used properly, they can improve the memorability of a domain name.
Examples: sa.me, tr.io, beautiful.ly
पिनयिन डोमेन नाम
Pinyin is the use of the roman alphabet written to pronounce Chinese characters when they are said aloud. Pinyin has a commonplace in Chinese culture as it is taught from a young age and frequently used to read and write. Due to its commonality, it makes sense that pinyin domain names have garnered much popularity in the domain investing world as it uses the roman alphabet, can be very short, and can even have dual meaning between English and Chinese languages. Investing in pinyin domains requires a foundational understanding of both pinyin and the Chinese languages.
Examples: wanglou, niaochao, meili