
Mises à jour et nouvelles fonctionnalités des produits et services de Dynadot.

Peut-être 2024
Site principal
Launched Dynadot Logo Builder
Create professional personal or business logos using our new logo builder! Our tool provides countless fonts, icons, and color options to get your brand off the ground.

Décembre 2023
Site principal
New TLDs Available: .ING and .MEME
.ING and .MEME domain names are now available for registration.

Site principal
New TLD Available: .CASE
.CASE domain names are now available for registration.

Août 2023
Site principal
New TLD Available: .DEALER
.DEALER domain names are now available for registration.

Avril 2023
Site principal
New TLD Available: .BIBLE
.BIBLE domain names are now available for registration.

Décembre 2022
Site principal
New TLD Available: .KIDS
.KIDS domain names are now available for registration.

Novembre 2022
Site principal
New Feature Requests Tool
Users can now submit feature requests for our team to review. You can access our feature requests tool under the 'Support' dropdown in our navigation.

Novembre 2021
Site principal
New TLD Available: .SPA
.SPA domain names are now available for registration.
Site principal
.IT Registration Restrictions Added
Updated the .IT page to provide more information on the TLD registration restrictions. Visit our .IT page for more information.

Septembre 2021
Site principal
Merged API Request Pages
All of our API requests can now be found on our Advanced Domain API page.
Site principal
Updated Aftermarket Overview Page
Added ability to view various top aftermarket listings and place domain bids directly from the aftermarket overview page.
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