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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
What I need is only email address, how can I disconnect the domain from website?
5/9/2022 21:11
In China, if we buy domain and website, we can turn off the website if we don't wanna show it to public.
What's the difference between purchasing a domain and purchasing a email domain? Are they same?
You give me a free email address only for the 1st domain I ordered right? ( i want the 2nd domain I purchased as our email address)
The 108RMB email domain, what does it mean? for how many users?
Pls help answer. Thanks.
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5/10/2022 11:24
Thank you for your question. Domains and email services are separate.  A domain name is essentially a name for an IP address of a website. With email service you can create custom email addresses using a registered domain. You can purchase our email service and associate it to the domain you want. Our Email plan supports an unlimited number of email addresses. Please find all the information in our help files:

1. Purchasing our email service:
2. When you purchase our email service, you can create your domain email address:
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ray-idear replied teamdynadot :5/10/2022 17:41
Thanks, btw, how many free email box can I have if I order a new website under PRO plan?
And I really want to disconnect the website with the domain I purchased now. It's strange that we don't have that function. Now I regret to publish it.  We need time to design the website and publish. Not now.
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teamdynadot replied ray-idear :5/16/2022 08:25
Hello again,

You can have unlimited mailboxes when you have our Pro Website Builder plan.

In regards to disconnecting your website from your domain, we offer a feature called Dynadot Parking, which will show website visitors a screen provided by us. The steps to enable this are outlined in this help file:

You can also forward your domain to any website of your choosing, using our Domain Forwarding feature:

We sincerely hope we have answered and clarified all of your questions, and if you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us via our live chat for a 1-on-1 conversation with a member of our support staff.
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