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Drupal installation errors/warnings
6/11/2017 15:03

There are some errors/warning during Drupal 8.3.3 installation on your hosting.

1) Unicode library error:
„Multibyte string input conversion“ is enables in PHP, and must be disabled.
mbstring.http_input must be set to "off" in php.ini.
Where can I edit php.ini for my site?

2) Apache version warning:
Due to the settings for ServerTokens in httpd.conf, it is impossible to accurately determine the version of Apache running on this server. The reported value is Apache, to run Drupal without mod_rewrite, a minimum version of 2.2.16 is needed.

3) PHP OPcode caching warning:
It is not enabled.
PHP OPcode caching can improve your site's performance considerably. It is highly recommended to have OPcache installed on your server.

Please give a feedback.
Best Regards
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