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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
DNS not working on my domains
3/19/2021 04:09
Currently the dns for my domain is not available

--2021-03-19 12:08:27--
Resolving ( failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘’
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3/19/2021 05:04
the dns service is down again. No way to reach my domains
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3/19/2021 05:06
This is the same for me too,  Looks like both of DynaDot's NameServers are timing out:

$ host -rv
Trying ""
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
$ host -rv
Trying ""
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Is DynaDot aware of this?    Their chat support says "Busy" and appears no way to be able to create support tickets for them.
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3/19/2021 08:43
+1, intermittent, but we are losing emails, and visits to our website!
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3/27/2021 09:16
We are really sorry about this as the DNS issue affected everyone. This is the reason why our chats were so busy at the time. We are looking for a solution for this, which includes better communication from our end and regular status updates.
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k_b_gojra_pk replied teamdynadot :3/20/2022 02:12
really disappointed ... 3 moths 3 time we are facing this issue

why this not happen with others

only dynadot have problem
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ab_21_uk replied k_b_gojra_pk :3/20/2022 03:36
for me its been few yrs doing this :) have over 150 domains with them but thinking of moving from here
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3/20/2022 03:34
what is going on ? all my website are down!!! its time to me move them to aanother platform then ..
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3/20/2022 03:36
dynadot dns is out of order - no support notice to see - what is going on with dynadot?
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ab_21_uk replied g_s_muenchen_de :3/20/2022 03:41
they been hacked i think, no support for me also
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3/20/2022 03:54
Are there any temporary solutions? Where can I find out the repair status?
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3/30/2022 02:29
Hello everyone. We are very sorry for the delayed response here. Our team has sent out an email communication about this attack to our customers last week. Our team is currently working on upgrading our DDoS protection on all of our products and services. We truly apologize for not being able to spare the time to update you in time and for causing you so many worries. We will be improving our communication during service disruptions to make sure you know it.
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