
Dynadot Help

¿Necesitas soporte para tus dominios, sitios web o herramientas de Dynadot? Utiliza nuestro directorio de artículos de ayuda para encontrar los recursos que necesitas o contacta a nuestro equipo de soporte para obtener más ayuda.
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  • How does buying a domain using the Make Offer system work?

    If you're interested in a domain that is listed for sale in our marketplace at "make offer", you can follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Find the domain you want to make an offer in our User Listings in the Aftermarket section of our site.
    3. Click on the domain name itself or the "Make Offer" button, you will be taken to the domain listing page.
    4. Enter the amount you wish to offer for the domain name in the price field and click on "Make Offer".
    5. You will be redirected to the chat where you can communicate with the seller.
    6. If the seller proposes a counter-offer, you will be notified via email.
    7. If the seller accepts your offer, you will be notified via email.
    8. The seller will finalize the sale, and another email will be sent to you; this email will contain the checkout link you can use to add the domain to your cart.
    9. Once you receive the link, you will need to follow the steps to checkout.

    You can also make an offer from the domain's for sale landing page:

    1. Enter the amount you wish to offer for the domain name in the price field and click on "Make an Offer". If you're signed in to your Dynadot account, check your offer details and click "Submit Offer"; if you're not signed in to your Dynadot account, or do not have one yet, you can still make an offer but you will be prompted to enter your contact information.
    2. If the seller proposes a counter-offer, you will be notified via email.
    3. If the seller accepts your offer, you will be notified via email.
    4. The seller will finalize the sale, and another email will be sent to you; this email will contain the checkout link you will use to add the domain to your cart.
    5. Once you receive the link, you will need to follow the steps to checkout.

    NOTE: After the order is complete, the domain will stay on a "Buy Lock" status for 30 days. This prevents the buyer from moving the domain to another Dynadot account or transferring the domain to another domain registrar. After the 30-day period has passed, the "Buy Lock" will automatically be removed.

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