Find Your Domain
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Transform Your Online Storefront
Create a dynamic, professional online store with a .store domain. It's your brand's digital storefront, designed to attract customers and drive sales.
A Badge of E-Commerce Excellence
Showcase your e-commerce business with a .store domain. This distinct domain stands out, marking your site as a go-to destination for online purchases.
Perfect for Business Trailblazers
From small boutiques to global brands, .store domains suit businesses of all sizes. A .store domain positions your business at the forefront of the online revolution.
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | $2.99 | $48.98 | $94.97 | $140.96 | $186.95 | $232.94 | $278.93 | $324.92 | $370.91 | $416.90 |
Renew | $49.99 | $99.98 | $149.97 | $199.96 | $249.95 | $299.94 | $349.93 | $399.92 | $449.91 | $499.90 |
Transfer | $49.99 |
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | $2.99 | $48.98 | $94.97 | $140.96 | $186.95 | $232.94 | $278.93 | $324.92 | $370.91 | $416.90 |
Renew | $47.99 | $95.98 | $143.97 | $191.96 | $239.95 | $287.94 | $335.93 | $383.92 | $431.91 | $479.90 |
Transfer | $47.99 |
Years | 1 year | 2 years | 3 years | 4 years | 5 years | 6 years | 7 years | 8 years | 9 years | 10 years |
Register | $2.99 | $48.98 | $94.97 | $140.96 | $186.95 | $232.94 | $278.93 | $324.92 | $370.91 | $416.90 |
Renew | $45.99 | $91.98 | $137.97 | $183.96 | $229.95 | $275.94 | $321.93 | $367.92 | $413.91 | $459.90 |
Transfer | $45.99 |
Domain Price | |
1 | |
Register | $2.99 |
Renew | $49.99 |
transfer | $49.99 |
2 | |
Register | $48.98 |
Renew | $99.98 |
3 | |
Register | $94.97 |
Renew | $149.97 |
4 | |
Register | $140.96 |
Renew | $199.96 |
5 | |
Register | $186.95 |
Renew | $249.95 |
6 | |
Register | $232.94 |
Renew | $299.94 |
7 | |
Register | $278.93 |
Renew | $349.93 |
8 | |
Register | $324.92 |
Renew | $399.92 |
9 | |
Register | $370.91 |
Renew | $449.91 |
10 | |
Register | $416.90 |
Renew | $499.90 |
Domain Price | |
1 | |
Register | $2.99 |
Renew | $47.99 |
transfer | $47.99 |
2 | |
Register | $48.98 |
Renew | $95.98 |
3 | |
Register | $94.97 |
Renew | $143.97 |
4 | |
Register | $140.96 |
Renew | $191.96 |
5 | |
Register | $186.95 |
Renew | $239.95 |
6 | |
Register | $232.94 |
Renew | $287.94 |
7 | |
Register | $278.93 |
Renew | $335.93 |
8 | |
Register | $324.92 |
Renew | $383.92 |
9 | |
Register | $370.91 |
Renew | $431.91 |
10 | |
Register | $416.90 |
Renew | $479.90 |
Domain Price | |
1 | |
Register | $2.99 |
Renew | $45.99 |
transfer | $45.99 |
2 | |
Register | $48.98 |
Renew | $91.98 |
3 | |
Register | $94.97 |
Renew | $137.97 |
4 | |
Register | $140.96 |
Renew | $183.96 |
5 | |
Register | $186.95 |
Renew | $229.95 |
6 | |
Register | $232.94 |
Renew | $275.94 |
7 | |
Register | $278.93 |
Renew | $321.93 |
8 | |
Register | $324.92 |
Renew | $367.92 |
9 | |
Register | $370.91 |
Renew | $413.91 |
10 | |
Register | $416.90 |
Renew | $459.90 |
The .store domain is overseen by Radix, a trustworthy registry in the domain industry. Establish your .store domain today and join the ranks of successful e-commerce businesses. Join some of the biggest content creators, celebrities, and brands in the world.
Looking for an internationalized domain name (IDN)? You can register .store in many languages other than English. Go to our IDN search page to see the full list of supported languages and to find the right international .store domain for you!
Introduced | 2016 |
Usage | Store & Business Websites |
Renewal Grace Period | 30 Days |
Deletion Grace Period | 4 Days |
Restore Period | 30 Days |
Privacy Allowed | Yes |
IDN Supported | Yes, See Languages |
DNSSEC Supported | Yes |
Type | Global |
Restrictions | None |
Registry | Radix Registry |
Wikipedia Entry | Wikipedia |
Registration Price (1 year) | $2.99 |
Renewal Price (1 year) | $49.99 |
Transfer Price | $49.99 |
Restore Price | $199.99 |