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Domain News Websites

Friday Five: Top 5 Sites for Domain News

Jul 12, 2013 • 3 min read

This week we bring you the top sites in Domain News. There are updates happening daily from domain auctions to the rules and regulations changing at ICANN. Stay up to date on information surrounding all this and more with these top five domain news sites.



1. Domain Name Wire

Domain Name Wire writes relevant pieces to the domain industry and is updated regularly with important information. One of the great things the author does is correct information from previous articles or builds upon them in later articles. These articles are great options to tweet out to others so they can share in the wealth of information.





2. The Domains

This website/blog is a great way to keep yourself informed on domain information and sales. You can view the different categories that the posts are broken up into and find information specific to your needs. They also allow you to submit stories! So if you find something interesting in the domaining world you can share it with others. Subscribe via email to stay up to date on all of their posts.





3. Elliot’s Blog

The blog is updated daily with a mix of content from buying domains to legal news. The comment section will allow you to make connections with those in the domain world. He regularly comments back so all of your questions can be answered regarding the post as well.





4. Domain Incite

They focus on the news in the domain world. Here you will find out all things related to businesses and their domains, ICANN, and things happening in different countries. They also have an awesome job board for you to check out with positions in the industry that you may be interested in. You can also submit jobs to them, what better way to reach out to people than through a site that targets specific groups of people.




5. Morgan Linton

Information regarding both domains and startups is given on this website. It is posted blog style with a new post made every day. Content includes: domain business, domain flipping, and general domain investing. The site has tons of useful information from someone inside the business. Startups and domains can go hand in hand in today’s industry so learn from someone who has experience and see how you can improve your own experience.

This post is written by Dara, who uses these sites daily to find her domaining news.


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