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What new TLDs are out there waiting to be launched
6/24/2020 05:27
I noticed just moments ago, that an all new .cyou tld has been launched.

I was under the understanding that, all of the tlds to be launched from the dot big bang, have already been launched???

Clearly I am a novice in this respect, and hope somebody can fill me in on a few matters.

Was .cyou part of that dot big bang of a few years ago?

Is there any more TLDs, of which have been approved in the first dot big bang, and are yet to launch, and if so, what ones are they?
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6/27/2020 08:21
Dynadot offers the following Launching TLDs page:

Related to the above Launching TLDs page, is the full list of domains Dynadot supports:

Dynadot also offers the following info:

If you wish to search ICANN, here are some links:

Good luck!
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