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How can I put email on my website?
9/25/2006 02:17

How can I check my emil on my website? I want to put 2 boxes on my website 1 for username and 1 for password then OK button. Once the ok button was pressed it must go directly to their email inbox if the login is valid. Any idea on how can I create this? Sorry it is my first time using dynadot.

Thanks a lot.

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9/25/2006 16:59
Our web hosting package is for static websites only.  (Please read our "Hosting Details" on this page:  So, you will not be able to check your email on your website because this kind of functionality usually requires a script and a database.

To check your email, you need to log into your Dynadot account.  If you are having trouble accessing your email through your web browser, please read the steps posted in our FAQ:

How do I access my domain email?
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