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Add TXT Record (Sedo ownership verification)
9/29/2016 05:30

My domain is using your 'Parking Dynadot' and just want to add a TXT record for Sedo Ownership verification.
But when trying to do this, I get an error saying that I need to set at least a A/AAA/CNAME Records.

How can I set this ? We don't have any server for the domains (so no IP to set any A/AAA), have eventually a parking at Bodis, but still we can't add TXT record.

How is it possible ? and we would like to set this by default.

Thanks for your help !

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11/29/2016 01:29
I have the same issue.
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Posted By owl
11/29/2016 12:02
Yup, frustrating.
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3/19/2018 10:22
This was the response I received from  Dynadot.
Thank you for waiting. To set a TXT record, follow these steps:

Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and then "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
Check the box next to your domain name and click on the "Bulk Action" button.
Choose "DNS Settings" from the "Bulk Action" list.
In the top drop-down menu, choose "Custom DNS" and this is where you can create your TXT record.
Please note TXT records cannot be set by themselves, so you'll need a main record type such as an A record or forward in the "Domain Record (required) section.
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e_u_ikeja_ng_1 replied j_t_houma_us :7/8/2021 08:25
Can't find "Custom DNS" in my dropdown list
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e_u_ikeja_ng_1 replied j_t_houma_us :7/8/2021 08:25
Can't find "Custom DNS" in my dropdown list
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teamdynadot replied e_u_ikeja_ng_1 :7/13/2021 17:34
Instead of custom DNS you'll be looking for DNS settings, all the other steps are correct.
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3/20/2018 13:26

Yes, TXT records can't be set by themselves so you'll receive that error message if you don't have a main record type set for the root domain as well. You can set an A record, CNAME, or forward for the root domain. If you don't have anything to redirect your domain to, you can just choose the forward option and forward your domain to itself. An example is below; is the root domain -> forward to
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