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SMTP Remote Access Doesn't Work
2/7/2023 07:17
I am trying to setup remote access for my email [email protected]

When I try to click "Remote Access Enabled" I get zero feedback from the site. when I refresh the button is unchecked...

When I try to login to remote access in gmail I get this error: "       Authentication failed. Please check your username/password.
Server returned error: "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6 535 authentication failed , code: 535""

Dynadot is buggy? 😢

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3/21/2023 10:31

We are sorry for the inconvenience you have faced. We would like to recommend you carefully re-enter the settings as shown in your Remote Access information, which you can access via these steps:
Also, please feel free to use this guide on how to connect your email account with your Gmail:
In order to check the inquiry in more detail please open a chat with or submit an email:

Best regards,
Dynadot Support Team
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