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The Technology of Self-Care

Paige Omandam
May 30, 2018
Technology is transforming our lives— including the ways we get stressed out. Our smartphones do a great job of reminding us that there is always something to worry about with pop-up reminders of looming deadlines, constant updates of troubling news stories, and our inbox overflowing with emails. However, technology is also transforming the ways we relax and engage in self-care. Self-care apps are becoming more popular than ever and allow us to take care of ourselves whenever we need to.

In honor of Mental Health Month, here are some self-care practices and some great apps that can help you add them to your daily routine.


Meditation is proven to improve health and ease stress, but it's hard to get started on your own. Here are two great meditation apps that will guide you on your journey to inner peace.

Created by therapists and meditation teachers, the Aura app helps you to find peace in your busy lifestyle. For someone who is constantly on the go, it's difficult to find time to meditate. Aura makes it easy with guided meditations of varying lengths, so if you only have 3 minutes to yourself, you can make the most of it with the Aura app. Depending on your meditation goals, Aura has different options based on what you want to get out of your meditation session. Self-care apps are becoming the norm, and Aura is a great one to add to your collection.

Simple Habit
Simple habit is a unique meditation app that has content from multiple meditation guides, instead of just one. This helps to add variety in lessons, styles, and methods of meditation, setting it apart from other meditation apps. Specifically made for the busiest of people, the lessons range from 3 to 20 minutes long. The creators of this app are firm believers that some meditation is better than none. In addition to meditation guides, you have access to inspirational stories, relaxing music, and a gratitude journal.

Habit Tracking

Being mindful of your habits and how you're spending your time can be a game-changer when it comes to your productivity and energy. Start your day on the right foot with these habit-tracking apps.

This app is all about helping you create better habits— starting from drinking water in the morning, to eating breakfast, all the way to finishing to-do lists, and more. This app helps you take care of yourself in ways that are simple and easy, reminding us to do the small things that will add up. Researchers at Duke University created this app to study how habits can help us build a more productive lifestyle.

This app allows you to track your moods on a day to day basis. This allows you to be more mindful of your feelings and the things that are affecting you. You might find trends in your mood and ways to improve your day. Keeping track of your moods could be the catalyst for starting to exercise, eating better, and having healthier habits. If you are aware of what triggers your mood, you can structure your day in a way that ensures you're in the best mood possible.


Keeping a journal is a great way to collect your memories and vent your thoughts. It's also a great way to be mindful of your moods and pinpoint the stressors that cause you to feel negative.

Day One
Day One allows you to keep a journal on the go. You can add media to your journals like photos, videos, locations, and more. The simple interface is clean and easy to use and can be used on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. You can also set up notifications to be reminded of the journal, so you never miss out on a day. Dr. James Pennebaker discovered that there are health and wellness benefits of journaling about your emotions and experiences. When you journal, you shouldn't think about punctuation, spelling, grammar, or sounding intelligent. Journalling is only for yourself, so you don't need to worry about anything except letting your emotions flow.


Exercise helps you reduce stress and increase dopamine levels in your body. You get a natural high after exercising that is scientifically proven to improve your mood. Here are some apps that help you fit in some exercise, no matter how tight your schedule.

Pocket Yoga
Yoga is proven to reduce stress, release tension, and ease the mind. Tension builds up in your body over time and can have negative consequences on your mind and body. When you release the tension you are more loose, flexible, and open-minded. With this app, there's no need to pay for a yoga class; simply follow the app.

Apps like these are a great way to practice self-care on the go, but should never be a replacement for seeing a doctor or therapist about your mental health. These apps mainly serve to help you get started on a self-care routine. Add at least one of these practices into your daily routine, and see how your life improves!

Written by Paige Omandam

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