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chart that includes letters in morse code

Learn Your Name in Morse Code

Robyn Norgan
Jan 11, 2014 • 3 min read

When someone says Morse Code, in my head I hear the familiar beeping, but personally, I have no idea how to decipher it. So, since today is Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day, I thought I would take the opportunity to actually learn a bit more about it. Morse code is a system that is used to send messages using tones, lights, or clicks. There is an International Morse Code, which is based on the ISO basic Latin alphabet with some additions, including extra Latin letters, Arabic numerals, and punctuation and procedural signals. Each character in International Morse Code is represented by a unique sequence of dots and dashes as you can see in the chart below:

International Morse Code Chart - Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day

Although learning your name in Morse code can be fun, one of the most important codes to know is the common distress signal, SOS. SOS, which in Morse code is three dots, three dashes, and three dots, is internationally recognized and if you find yourself in trouble (which of course is when you would use it) it can really come in handy.

SOS in Morse Code - Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day



Now that you've learned the basics, you're a pro. Okay, so maybe you'll actually need a little more practice... As with learning anything new, practice makes perfect!

Janunary 11, 2014

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