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Domain Registrar Accepting Euros- Euro Domain Payment Option

Now Accepting Euros: Dynadot's Newest Payment Option

Jun 27, 2013 • 4 min read

We're so excited to announce our newest feature! Euro pricing has launched on Dynadot. Now you can buy domains with Euros or US Dollars. Since we have such a large, awesome European customer base we decided to make some options that would help ease your use of Dynadot. This added feature will help make payments upfront and easy. We currently only accept Euro payments through Paypal and MoneyBookers. We are working on being able to accept payments through credit cards as well and will update when this change is available.

Check out how to switch from US dollars to Euros in this picture. Simply click on top to change your pricing to Euros and every page will show prices in Euros, except for backorders and auctions. Both backorders and auctions are only available in US Dollars. If you’d like to switch back to USD you can use the same button, which will always be at the top left of your screen. We make it easy and simple.

The Dynadot homepage with the currency selected highlighted and circled

We are always looking for ways to better serve our customers and are hoping to add more currencies in the future. Let us know in the comment section which currencies you would like to see us add! As we continue to give our customers more options it is important that we give you the ones you really want! So, let us know what additional currencies would help make your Dynadot experience easier!

This post is written by Dara, the marketing intern!

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