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  • What is a closeout?

    These are domains that did not receive bids during the expired auction and are now being offered at a reduced price. This pricing structure is the fixed cost plus the renewal cost (applied during checkout).

    This fixed cost decreases every day that the domain is not acquired:

    • Day 1 Fixed Cost: $30
    • Day 2 Fixed Cost: $15
    • Day 3 Fixed Cost: $5

    This program does not require a bid system and these domains are first come, first serve.

    To participate, first create a Dynadot account if you haven't already. We require at least $5 account spending before you can participate. You can prepay $5 into your account and use the account credit to pay for your closeout order.


    • Due to the nature of closeouts, payments are also required immediately. Otherwise, you risk the chance of closeout domains being purchased by someone else or getting cancelled.
    • The Closeout domain has a 15-day lock.

    Do closeout domain fees include renewal?
    How do I participate in expired closeouts?

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